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Decorated cookie

This was a cookie and I decorated it.  I did this at work then, Walmart.  An icing was put on top of the cookie and we used spray gun machine to spray coloring.  This cookie cake was requested by my daughter for her 10th b-day in 2008.  That is why I have a photo.

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Happy are those who baked deliciously the first time.

Since I have been baking every week at least once, I now have  the confidence to try on my own.  I realized that basically if I can bake a decent bread, I can bake a cinnamon roll.  I used  almost all of the ingredients from the last steakhouse dinner rolls I baked and changed a little bit.  As I have said, the steakhouse dinner rolls taste and look good but I did not like the texture inside.  I watched other videos of how to make sweet bread and I realized that after proofing the first time, I have to put pressure on dough to release the air so it will not be airy texture.  I used the technique on the cinnamon rolls and the texture is so smooth and not airy.  I am not really a cinnamon fan but this is delicious than cinnabon rolls we buy from the malls'  food court.  I think the difference is the caramel sauce and I also made vanilla cream cheese icing.  I immersed the rolled dough in baking pan with the almond caramel sauce and bake them.  The almond caramel sauce is a little bit candied and sticky on top of the cinnamon rolls.

Here is the recipe, the best I can recall.
Dry mix:  2 cups flour, 1/2 tsp salt
Wet mix: 1 stick butter, 1/2 cup milk, 2/3 brown sugar
Yeast mix: 1 1/2 tsp yeast, 1/2 cup warm water, 1 tsp sugar
Just follow the same instructions on the steakhouse dinner rolls video on previous post. The only difference is the preparation of  cinnamon roll. Lay the dough in a rectangle shape.  Sprinkle brown sugar, cinnamon
powder, ,any grind nuts (optional). Find a cinnamon rolls video on Youtube if needed.

Almond caramel sauce

melt 1/3 stick butter in a sauce pan
drop 1/2 cup chopped almond
add 1 cup brown sugar,  let it caramelized
add 1/2 cup heavy cream or regular milk

Vanilla cream cheese icing

1/2 cup cream cheese, 1-2 tsbp confectioner sugar, 1 tsp vanilla